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Терани Шира
Воскресенье, 23 февраля 2025

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По какой причине вы в этой жизни не сделали чего-то, что хотелось бы сделать?
Главная Досуг Позитив, креатив Classical Music In The Key Of Comedy (Муз. комедия, видео)
Classical Music In The Key Of Comedy (Муз. комедия, видео)

Музкомедия'Pagagnini' bring to life some of the most treasured musical pieces in the key of comedy.  The virtuoso violinist Ara Malikian along with three more musicians not only perform some of the greatest compositions of geniuses at the level of Mozart, Pachelbel, Chopin and of course, Paganini, but also involve popular genres such as rock or folk. The musicians play, dance, jump,

laugh, cry, interact and with the audience converting the show into an original comedy where the violin and the cello transform themselves spontaneously into new and original instruments.



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